I mentioned to a friend the
other day that we were going to make another short documentary film about
fracking, a kind of "FRACKING 101" for people who had heard about
fracking but didn't really understand it. "Great," he said,
"That's exactly what I need!"
Apparently, he's not the
only one. Almost half of the people in New York say they don't actually know
what "fracking" means. Even
some people who have watched our two latest films, No Second Chance and On Faith and Fracking are left with questions about this new
technology. So this summer we'll be on the road again, shooting, interviewing
and editing, to help more people understand what "fracking" means,
and why the issue is so important.
The gas companies sure
aren't going to do this for us. It's not by accident that their ads promoting
"clean, natural gas" on TV don't mention the word "fracking." They know the word has a negative
connotation, and they steer away from it whenever they can. I'm certain that many people who watch the
ads and believe the gas company's fairy tale would probably oppose fracking in
New York if they knew more about it. (See my previous blog below about the
word "natural.")
In politics, the only thing
more powerful than money is public opinion. And make no mistake, the battle
over fracking is all about politics. Ultimately, Governor Cuomo's decision
about whether or not to allow fracking in New York will be driven exclusively
by public opinion. Patti came up
with a brilliant idea for a slogan the other day: "You Want The Vote; We Want The Promise." Watch for the signs
this fall!
If we expect to win the
battle over fracking in New York, we're going to need to win the public opinion
battle. This means talking to your neighbor, your family and your co-workers. Ask your priest or rabbi or minister to
watch On Faith and Fracking and
share it with your congregation. Ask your local town or county officials to
watch No Second Chance.
None of us wants to look
back in a few years and say, “We should have done more.”